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Consideration and Understanding


Through involvement in restorative justice practices students have attained a positive change in mindset. Students have come to be considerate and humanizing towards others.
























De-escalating the conflict


Some students have reached a point where they can address issues within their own community and work on the de-escalation of conflict.

























Repairing Relationships and Building Community


Both students and staff have been able to build community and repair broken or damaged relationships with one another through restorative justice practices.











I used to be to go off on people without caring about their feelings - but now I think about the other person and give them a break.” - Student

Before I didn’t think about other people’s feelings too but now it’s not always about me.”

- Student

“...I used to show anger, fierceness, blowing up, I stop to think about other outcomes that can happen. I think about sitting down and talking to the other person…” - Student

“Here, I had a verbal conflict that could have escalated, we talked it out, it’s a big relief.”

- Student


“We do a circle every Thursday in my familia - building community - makes the classroom on the other days of the week, there is more openness, more comfortable, talk about issues we wouldn’t normally be able to - yesterday, a student asked about how to deal with a situation with her boyfriend. It’s not always about dealing with conflict, also building community and preventing conflict.” - Staff

“My experiences get stronger and stronger, with each outcome of different conflicts, it gives chills or a rush, it amazes me what restorative justice can do, what can the outcome of a peace circle be - to turn people who are the worse enemies, who hate each other, to sit together at lunch, to do projects together, to ask for help. Everyday - I think about it more, just a few years ago - I was a lot worse than what I am now.” - Student

I’ve had restorative conversations with students when I’ve had a conflict with them - usually, we have come out stronger and closer with those students…” - Staff


“Because it (restorative justice) helps, it’s stronger and more methodized, keeping our community whole instead of getting other people involved, we take matters into our own hands…” - Student

“...When students could have caused more harm to the school - they have addressed the school during forum…” - Staff

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